Sunday, July 1, 2012


Salt Lake Tribune: "The numbers have confirmed the grim testimony of thousands upon thousands of wildfire-scorched acres of Utah land: June 2012 is tied for the driest June on record."

Let's check in with NOAA on Utah's precipitation history. Shall we.

Annual Precipitation


Annual 1901 - 2000 Average = 11.61 Inches
Annual 1895 - 2011 Trend = 0.14 Inches / Decade

29 of the top 30 driest years in Utah's history, occurred before 1990. Most western states show an increasing precipitation trend over the last 100 years. Want proof?

"Climate change is clearly playing a role," said Kevin Trenberth, who leads the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo. "There are wildfires all over the place." Trenberth and his fellow scientists... said their review of new research shows a pattern that points to a warmer world and, in the West, a drier, fire-prone one. Salt Lake Tribune.